Tuesday, April 19, 2011

POTD Day 29 Park Visit....

We are LOVING the sunshine!!! We Northwesterners are happy to see any sort of sunshine even if it is 55 degrees outside... I actually did a LOT of playing around in manual mode at the park and was getting some great exposure...BUT the lens was in automatic mode so things turned out blurry.. it was not blurry enough for  me to notice while taking the shots (plus I had a LOT on my mind with all that aperature/shutter speed/ISO business...). I took a few pictures in manual mode with different levels of the above settings and then took the same shot in automatic to see what the camera would have chosen... Very exciting stuff! 

With the sun shining and me having just finished grading the math tests (I make the kids call it "Celebration of Knowledge" though so don't tell them that I said "test") AND that only 3 kids didn't meet standard on it-I am JAZZED!!! There was some hard stuff on that thing and many of them who struggle in math, GOT IT!!! Yeeeee hawwwww..... 

Lalie-I will still come down and take the picture of the dead frog... it may or may not get to be POTD for tomorrow..not sure I can stomach it... Poor little guy....

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