Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1. Time: These buckets keep "stuff" that I need to remember to take with me during the week... when it is TIME to use the items, they are there!

2. Poetry: Okay, so Robin Williams isn't EXACTLY a poet..but I like this quote and it is sort of poetic...there is some figurative language being used-that counts, right?

3. Outside: We just got the hammock that I ordered and it was nice enough to actually use today... so relaxing!

4. From the Car: We had no milk in the house this morning so... we went to Starbucks and I was in my pajamas so my sweet 8 year old went in with a fistful of money and got my "grande nonfat, no whip, white chocolate mocha".. I watched her like a hawk from the car and only felt slightly neglectful...she is quite independent and loved doing it actually....

5. Isolation: Doggie has his own "issues" with anxiety and sort of isolates himself unless he is feeling frisky... he has the entire area around the fireplace as his comfort zone... to be a dog....

Scope out other people's interpretations of the categories... there is some really creative and amazing photography out there!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi! Great photos! I'm in your blog group and wanted to stop by and introduce myself. Looking forward to getting to know you better.
    Scissors & Spatulas
