Monday, May 30, 2011

Portrait Challenge...the doggie....

The poor little guy... he is nervous and freaky and then I repeatedly snap pictures of him. This is one of his "cozy places" (my bed) but he is on high alert here. Normally, if I am on the computer, he snuggles into my duvet and snoozes. I took a bunch of shots and he looked skittish and/or awkward and in the midst of it all I got this one that I am sort of happy with. I will keep trying though.... Mostly I like how his face doesn't have shadows on it...the light was shining through the window and right onto him. All these dog shots are to make up for the ones I used to try and get with my point and shoot where he looks like a black blob and you couldn't tell what was what. Happy Memorial Day to everyone.... we are off to the movies with our friends the Petos!

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