Sunday, August 14, 2011

POTD Day 133: Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1. Frame within a Frame: Pioneer Square in Seattle...we did the Seattle Underground tour! 

2. Best Part of the Day: The best part of this kid's day was finding a great deal on caramel apples!

3. Buttons: Okay, it is a stretch, but aren't they just "cute as buttons"? It was NOT warm out when they did this-it was like 7 pm tonight-this is what children in the NW do in the summertime... weather will NOT dictate activities...

4. Facing the Light: I told her "please face the light". She did. :) It is a bit blown out in places but she is still so gorgeous...

5. Ink-I was in Seattle for the love of god and was too shy to ask the "inked" peeps I saw if I could snap a photo. I must get over that-must do whatever to GET THE SHOT! So, this is from the archives but I never did do anything with it so it was processed today.. it is noisy but I still love those pens. :)


  1. Great shots! I love you Buttons! LOL! and I too have a relationship with my Sharpies! ;)

  2. Love the frame and you buttons, they are cute for sure..

  3. Colored sharpies are the best~if you can keep them from the kids! Love the frame shot!

  4. great summertime fun for the children ~ oooohhhh sharpies

  5. I'm really liking the context you provided in the first picture. that's really nice.

  6. Love it! I'm going to have to do the Underground tour soon! I've lived in Washington a great deal of my life and I've never been.

    Oh, and if you ever make it up to Bellingham, you can do the "inked" pictures without worrying about anything. We are a city full of inked people who love to show it off.
