Well, for J's bday, I am letting her get her ears pierced. It turns out that you can get your AG Doll's ears pierced as well. I told J I would pay half the 14 bucks if she wanted to pay the other half. It was a yes. We went to visit my dad today and did a little side trip up to Lynnwood to see the American Girl STORE. OMG. It was sort of odd with girls of all ages walking around with their dolls (my child included) and every possible clothing item and accessory was available for a not very cheap price for a DOLL. You could also get matching stuff for you and your doll. They even have a CAFE there where they have special seats for the dolls to sit while you all eat. Guess where smallfry wants to go with her poor grandpa for her special bday dinner? Yep...
When we took the doll to the "spa" area (I am not kidding), to get the ears pierced, they were so gentle and smiley and assuring to J that they would be very careful in the back while piercing the ears. Being the sick puppy that I can be, I imagined a hammer and nail being used to slam some doll stud earrings into the ears of the
Whoever came up with this concept is one rich person. I deserve several stars on my "good mommy" chart for taking her up there today-even more than when I take her to Justice!
We're not there yet here, but have had some nieces way into them. Definitely one of those... I wish I came up with that!! =P