Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Photography....

While I am still finishing up my POTD project, I am thinking about what was challenging for me about it. Mostly, it has been GREAT since I needed to make sure I was using my camera a LOT so that I could practice stuff that I was reading about and learning from online classes. I will complete that project and do two others that seem a bit more focused and less pressure (pressure I put on myself of course!) which sounds great to me right now. Is anyone else going to join in?

1. MCP Project 12-It is one photo per month to a theme.

2. P52 hosted by my3boybarians-one photo per week to a theme. 

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

3. Another exciting thing is that I met with Patty (a former student mom and current EP parent) today and I am now officially available to help her with anything she needs on a photoshoot-hold a flash/diffuser, vacuum out her car, press her clothes, etc...  so that I may learn from a pro in real life! She already is letting me shadow her for a party in a few months! She said that she sometimes hires a friend to help with weddings to lug equipment, help collect the right people for particular photos, and even sometimes take some photos during the reception! She is a fun and laid back person and great photographer and I am excited to learn from her and have some fun along the way!


  1. I will definitely be doing the p365 again. Some days it'll just be a phone pic but I'll be sure to pick up my big camera frequently too. That is a great opportunity with the photographer. I'm sure you'll learn a lot!

  2. I was looking at the P52 hosted by my3boybarians too. I will look into the MCP project 12 too now. Very cool about getting to tag along with a photographer on shoots. Definitely a fun learning experience! I want to try to meet some others interested in photography in my area...
