Tuesday, May 24, 2011

POTD Day 59: What the???????

So I look across the hall at school today and I see this....... 

Mr. Johnson draped his kids in sheer fabric during silent reading time. ???
The funny thing was, everyone was acting like this was normal activity for elementary school literacy block and that I looked like the nutty one... I had to grab my camera to document this phenomenon! In my head I was thinking of the possible reasons for this sighting:
1. There was a sudden onset of mosquitoes that swarmed in after recess.
2. All the kids needed some sort of sensory input.
3. The kids begged to make a fort at school with blankets and this was the compromise.
4. Amongst the props and sets from the play left in this classroom, the fabric was screaming to be repurposed.
5. The kids had a little chill.
6. They were playing a not very smart version of hide and seek.
What do you think the explanation for this is? I see a story starter in some kids' near future!:)

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